Black & Blue are for men … Red, Yellow, Pink, Purple and many more for women!!!
Isn’t it unfair?
When we talk about equality for men and women in different walks of life, how can colors be the differentiators?
And believe me, it’s mostly the women who make fun of men wearing bright colors. Have you ever thought why so? Women, who are moving at par with men and ready to compete with them in all spheres of life, be it education, work, home or anywhere else; women who feel proud to dress and behave like men, Why are they not able to accept men dressed up in colors that were traditionally supposed to be girly?
Strange but unfortunately its true!!!
Another very common sight of such unequal equality you can see while traveling in a bus or a Metro.
I am no less than anyone.
I have equal rights as a man.
I can do all that a man can do.
BUT, I don’t hesitate to ask a man sitting in a bus to get up and provide me the seat …because I am a woman.
Wow! What a contradiction! How come the womanhood has suddenly evoked? When you claim equality everywhere else, how can you be so blatant to ask for a seat from someone who has been sitting prior to you?
No offense to anyone in particular, but being a woman myself, I would really urge to all those women out there that if you want to compete with men and want others to treat you equally, be ready to accept the equality in all aspects.
If you have the right to wear jeans, trousers & t-shirts, men have an equal right to wear bright colors if they wish to. If you have the right to work in equality, men do also have right to remain seated without feeling guilty, while you are standing next to him.
Look around, and you will find many such instances where you will feel the real need for equality…give it a thought…